Friendship and Twinning

“In a year when most of our friendships have been ‘remote’ ones, it’s hard to think of a more opportune or important time to build friendships with the people of Palestine.” Amos trustee Madeleine McGivern writes about making friends in Palestine.

Friendship and Twinning

Wi’am — a bridge to dialogue

“When we go up onto the roof of the centre and look from there, we see the Unholy Trinity, the panoramic history of Palestine from 1948. We see the refugee camp, we see the settlements and we see the Wall.” Gill Hewitt sat down with Wi’am founder Zoughbi Zoughbi.

Wi’am — a bridge to dialogue

Introducing Lucy Talgieh

“As women, we have to work vertically at a national level to make the change but also horizontally with other women to empower one another and this is the work that Wi’am is committed to and which we undertake with other women in Bethlehem and across the West Bank.” Meet Lucy Talgieh from Wi’am Conflict Resolution Centre in Bethlehem.

Introducing Lucy Talgieh


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