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Run, walk, ride or swim where you are in solidarity with Palestinians and those demanding Palestinian rights around the world. 5k or 55k, it doesn’t matter how far — it’s taking part in solidarity that counts.
It has been an amazing three days. It has confirmed how many people worldwide hold our brothers and sisters in Gaza and the West Bank in their hearts. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Jean, UK (Run The Wall Spring 2024 participant)
2nd November marks the 107th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, when the UK government decided to support the formation of a Jewish state in the historic land of Palestine, regardless of the wishes of the Palestinians who lived there — please visit our FAQs for more details. Palestinians see this as the start of over a century of dispossession.
So, what better weekend is there to Run The Wall for Palestine?
Run The Wall
As an act of solidarity
Run The Wall
As a call for an end to Palestinian dispossession
Run The Wall
To demand an end to Israel’s war on Gaza
Run The Wall
To urge the new UK Government to recognise the Palestinian state
Things you’d love to see... people from all over the world running for the same cause! One day I’m sure we’ll be able to run in the streets of Palestine! Karim Saad, UAE (2023)
Follow these simple steps:
1. Run, Walk, Ride or Swim where you are
2. Register now
We want as many people as possible, from as many different countries as possible, to participate in Run The Wall. Registration is free. You will then be offered the chance to donate £25 or fundraise, but the important thing is to register and take part. Once you have registered, you will receive a link to our Run The Wall Toolkit, which contains all the resources you need to participate. Register now
3. Fundraise
If you would like to fundraise for our emergency appeal, you will receive an email with details on how to set up your JustGiving page when you register for Run The Wall.
4. Become a Run The Wall Ambassador
Our goal is that in Autumn 2024, over 6,000 people from over 35 countries will participate in Run The Wall. To do this, we need your help. Become a Run The Wall Ambassador to motivate your friends, family, colleagues, park runners, sports teams, student union, place of worship, and online followers to get involved. We will support you every step of the way. Visit our Ambassador page to find out more.
5. Read the FAQs
To find out more about Run The Wall and how it started, what we are raising funds for, the Separation Wall, the Palestine Marathon and the Balfour declaration, please read our FAQs.
6. Buy your Run The Wall T-Shirt or Hoodie
Our new Run The Wall T-shirts and Hoodies are now available. Show your solidarity with Palestine and buy one today. Visit our online shop for all your Run The Wall clothing needs.
Run The Wall is a collective action that shows great solidarity with Palestinians. It’s a call for a collective change of what ‘freedom’ means for the Palestinian people. It’s just great to be a witness to that action! Said Zarzar — Holy Land Trust, Bethlehem
On Your Marks, Get Set... a crowd of runners gather at the start of the Palestine Marathon in Bethlehem
Little Town... Runners and walkers taking part in the Palestine Marathon
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Amos Trust
7 Bell Yard, London
+44 (0) 203 725 3493
[email protected]
Registered Charity No.
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