I think he would weep — Nakba 2019

“He could not have known that every single one of his five children would be displaced in 1967 and that they would all lose their right to be called Palestinians. He could not have ever imagined that not a single one of his 19 grandchildren or 24 great grandchildren would live in Palestine or have any Palestinian documentation.” Phoebe Rison from Sabeel-Kairos UK writes about her family roots in Palestine on Nakba Day 2019

I think he would weep — Nakba 2019

Nakba at 70

“We act not because we are hopeful, but because it is the right thing to do. We act because we have been inspired by our Palestinian friends and because of all that we have learnt from them.” Amos Director Chris Rose writes about the 70th anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba — or ‘catastrophe’.

Nakba at 70

Al Ahli Hospital, Gaza

Gaza is smaller than the Isle of Wight - 25 miles long by only 5 miles wide but with an astonishing 1.8 million people living there. It makes it one of the most densely populated places on the planet. Lindsey Sharpe picks up the story.

Al Ahli Hospital, Gaza


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