Stage 6: Langres to Pontarlier, France

Starting in Langres, France: Friday 14th July at 16:00
Ending in Pontarlier, France: Friday 21st July at 10:00
Duration: 7 nights
Walking: 6 days
Total distance: 187km
Average per day: 31km
Daily ascent/descent: 
 Average: 600 – 700m/one day 800 – 1200m

Avg. max temp: 31°

 £450/£200 deposit

Stage 6: Langres to Pontarlier, France

Difficulty rating: Moderate

From Langres we head into a more wooded region of France. The route gets gradually harder and will be along quiet roads through woods and forests till we reach the beautiful city of Besancon.

Cradled in a loop of the river Doubs, the ancient city is one of the best-preserved historic cities in France. When Julius Caesar conquered the area he described this naturally defensive site as "the jewel in my crown" and today it is one of the great little-known towns in France and home to the fantastic Musee des Beaux Arts collection.

We then enter the beautiful Jura Mountains – no doubt availing ourselves of many different local Comte cheeses, before coming to the town of Ornan and the river Loue which runs through it. The week concludes at Pontarlier which was famous for the production of absinthe and for being the place where Jean Valjean broke his parole by refusing to go there in Les Miserables.

Nearest transport hub: 

  • Day 1: 
    Langres train station
  • Final day: 
    Besancon train station – (a bus connection) Lyon, Geneva, and Lausanne airports

Distances per day:

  • Day 1: 27km
  • Day 2: 27km
  • Day 3: 33.5km
  • Day 4: 34km
  • Day 5: 28km
  • Day 6: 38km
  • Day 7: 0km

Please make sure that you read the Just Walk Terms and Conditions before you make your booking. This is not one of those standard T&C's documents that we usually scroll through and tick, hoping for the best. This document contains essential information about Just Walk which you will need to read.

The maximum number of people we can take for this stage is twenty. Therefore, making your booking and paying your deposit does not guarantee participation in this stage. We will contact you to confirm that your booking has been successful and to ask you to provide further essential information.


Amos Trust
Room 11
St Margaret’s House
15 Old Ford Road
Bethnal Green
E2 9PJ

+44 (0) 203 725 3493
[email protected]
Registered Charity No.



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