A new future for Burundi

New Generation originally worked with children orphaned during the genocide of Burundi’s civil war, responding to the lack of social protection and care by providing accommodation, healthcare and access to education, with the aim of reintegrating children into the communities they came from.

Praised nationally as an example of best practice when working across ethnic groups, New Generation continues to respond to the effects of years of civil war amongst the young generations on the streets: engaging them through outreach, back to school and reintegration support and entrepreneurship training for older boys and young women.

A central thread throughout New Generation’s model is leadership training. Working through established youth clubs across the country, they teach the value of reconciliation and peace-building and encourage young people to make their voices heard and to influence the political, social and economic agenda of their nation.

This focus on leadership is also central to their entrepreneurship programme, helping young people from the streets to generate their own income and create employment opportunities in their communities, as well as coaching business development and financial control. In 2018 their first group of girls and young women has begun their entrepreneurship programme.

In providing a foundation and platform for young people to play an active role in reconciliation and the future of their communities, New Generation are moving towards their ultimate goal: developing the next generation of leaders, believing these young people, who have so often been excluded by society, are the future and hope for Burundi.

New Generation continues to campaign to raise awareness of the issues Burundian young people face and are increasing their focus on the challenges facing girls living and working on the streets.

To find out more about New Generation, Burundi and their work, please watch our short film.

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