Heartbreaking News

“Obaida Akram Abdurahman Jawabra was a Palestinian teenager from al-Arroub refugee camp near Hebron. Yesterday, Israeli forces shot and killed Obaida with a bullet to the heart. He was 17 years old. We are heartbroken.” Ayed Abu Eqtaish writes about some heartbreaking news from al-Arroub refugee camp in the West Bank.

Heartbreaking News

Childhood Under Occupation

United Nations Universal Children’s Day has been celebrated on 20th November each year, since 1954. So, 20th November seems as good a day as any to raise awareness of how Palestinian children, under Israeli Occupation, are being denied their basic rights and, effectively, having their childhoods stolen from them by the Occupation and the policies surrounding it. Sarah Baron writes.

Childhood Under Occupation

Arroub Camp Fundraiser

“One cold December morning in 2015, I started my day with the terrible news that yet another child had been shot dead in Arroub Camp by IDF forces in Palestine.” Sarah Baron writes about fundraising for Palestine.

Arroub Camp Fundraiser

Calais is calling

“I wake up and my immediate thought is, what’s the weather like this morning? Is it cold, raining, windy, or bright? What will today be like for the refugees in the Jungle at Calais?” Gill Hewitt writes.

Calais is calling


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