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Just Walk to Jerusalem; New Generation Burundi; Tom Merillion in Tanzania; a Jewish reflection on Just Walk to Jerusalem; news of our 2018 Nicaragua Adventure; Karunalaya in India and a story of why more than 60 people are answering the call to “Come & see!” Plus diary listings and details of all our fundraising activities and partner trips.
Newspaper download | FREE
The Summer 2017 edition of Words of Hope, the Amos Trust newspaper is now available as a free download.
In the very first edition of Words of Hope, Amos Director Chris Rose introduces our new newspaper; we write about Just Walk and why we’re walking 2,000-miles to Jerusalem; we update you on New Generation, our Street Justice partner in Burundi and share a particular photograph from Tanzania by Tom Merillion.
Plus Making the Invisible, Visible — a Jewish reflection on Just Walk to Jerusalem from Amos trustee Robert Cohen; there’s news of our 2018 Nicaragua Adventure; an article about how creative, resilient and hopeful our Street Justice partner in India, Karunalaya is and a story of why more than 60 people are answering the call to “Come & see!” Plus diary and event listings, details of all our fundraising activities and partner trips.
47Soul performing at Amos Trust’s ‘Change The Record’ event on London’s South Bank — June 2017.
Amos Trust
7 Bell Yard, London
+44 (0) 203 725 3493
[email protected]
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