Storytelling, Solidarity & Sisterhood

Our experience shows that the key is forging strong, trusting relationships with these girls and then to build programmes and activities from this, which a girl can engage with ‘On Her Terms’.

On Her terms is Amos Trust’s campaign to transform the lives of girls and young women whose lives revolve around the street so they can live free from abuse.

On Her Terms is a Methodology:
We journey with girls as they take control of their own lives, challenging the injustices they experience every day.

Core Principles and Values of On Her Terms:

  • acknowledging the long journey many girls are on
  • respect & no judgement
  • girls’ are the experts of their own lives
  • recognition that most girls will have experienced acute/multiple traumas
  • each situation is different — no one size fits all
  • relational approaches are key  “Change happens at the speed of trust”
  • the need to challenge systemic injustices.

Key approaches in an On Her Terms methodology:

  • outreach: meeting girls where they are at (going onto the streets & the places they stay)
  • girls are given multiple opportunities to respond and are able to become involved when they are ready
  • female-only spaces* and/or sessions and/or programmes are vital
  • a person centred, relational approach is key; relationships are built over time as young women learn to trust the project staff
  • programmes and activities must emerge out of these relationships
  • a high degree of patience from workers is needed as the work will often progress slowly (the girls’ lives are often chaotic or controlled by others)
  • the resilience of workers is key and needs to be invested in as girls will often push boundaries to see if they can trust the staff (or even themselves)
  • girls will often drop out of programmes (for multiple reasons) and they need the opportunity to be able to re-join them when they are ready
  • skilled interventions are required for the multiple trauma girls have experienced
  • the best approaches enable girls to support one another on the street and build girls’ collective strength
  • practical support such as health and hygiene, support in childcare, nutrition are often key tools to build relationships
  • it is vital to challenge the systemic and structural drivers that lead to girls being on the street and to challenge gender-based violence at every level.

On Her terms is also a Space:

  • for learning and reflecting on what works
  • for training & developing workers
  • for workers from different contexts to meet and share best practice
  • for training & developing workers
  • for workers to support one another, to stand in solidarity, to share struggles, and hold the sadness together
  • to develop areas of expertise (and share the unique areas of knowledge) held by the organisations involved
  • to celebrate the successes and moments of progress.
My friends outside of work often ask me, “why do you spend your time and energy working with these kinds of girls, who live on the streets and sell themselves for sex?” I reply, “your question of their worth, is exactly why I do this work. Everyone else has rejected them”. Revina — Social worker, Cheka Sana Tanzania

Collective Vision: Amos Trust brought together women from 8 countries who work with girls on the streets. Girls who face child marriage, prison or are involved in sex work. They shared new ways of working, with a collective vision to see girls live free from abuse. This is their story.

Street Justice cards

Take a look through our range of resources, including blog posts, downloads and products, to find out more about our Street Justice work.

Support the campaign

Join us as we journey with girls on the streets as they take control of their own lives, and challenge the injustice they experience daily.


Watch and share our short campaign film, ‘Run Without Fear’.

Sign up

Stay in touch — sign up to receive monthly On Her Terms email updates.


Please consider becoming a committed giver or making a one-off donation.


Download and share our free brochure that explains the On Her Terms campaign.


Amos Trust
7 Bell Yard, London

+44 (0) 203 725 3493
[email protected]
Registered Charity No.



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