On Her Terms update — April 2019

Karunalaya, our partners in Chennai, India, have been representing their country and the rights of children on the streets since 2014. This year is no different as Karunalaya is representing South India at the Street Child Cricket World Cup in London in May. Full details.

Team India is coming!
Karunalaya, our partner in Chennai, has been representing India and the rights of children on the streets since 2014.

This year is no different as Karunalaya is representing South India at the Street Child Cricket World Cup in London in May. Amos Trust is delighted to be welcoming 4 young people from Karunalaya to London and there’ll be a few different opportunities for you to make them feel welcome too.

One great opportunity is to come along to the Cricket Finals at Lords (we’ll be cheering for team India who we hope will have gone all the way!), on Tuesday 7th May. Simply click here to order your tickets.

On Thursday 9th May in London, we’ll be showing the team some of London’s sights. If you are in London please join us for a boat ride on the Thames, and some food together in the late afternoon/early evening.

And for any of you who are close to Virginia Water in Surrey, you’re invited to a relaxed afternoon of six-a-side cricket, games, tea, and cake on Saturday 11th May with team India and friends on Thorpe Green, TW20. We’ll be meeting at 2.30 – 6.30. Thanks to Rod and Anita Whitehead for organising the afternoon.

Please let Karin know in advance if you’d like to join any of these events. We would love to see you there!

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On Her Terms — Spring Appeal 2019

Amos Trust’s spring appeal is for On Her Terms. One of our priorities this year is supporting the fantastic work of Karunalaya and the team working with girls and young women.

By becoming a committed giver, £30 a month could fund a support worker to run outreach and awareness sessions in pavement-dwelling communities about the risks of child marriage. To make a regular or one-off donation, and to read more about On Her Terms in 2019, please visit our Spring Appeal page.

A young girl from Karunalaya in Chennai, India.

On Her Terms: Please support the work of Karunalaya, our On Her Terms partner in Chennai, India

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Amos Book Club

This month we want to recommend “Generation Y, Spirituality and Social Change”, an anthology of interviews and essays by our friends nearby at St Ethelburga’s Centre for Reconciliation and Peace.

At a recent workshop of theirs, we met with a number of contributors, and this book was launched that day. From an inspiring set of voices representing a generation of people who are ‘doing faith (of all kinds) differently’, it explores how young people are integrating spirituality and activism.

You can buy the book here.

The book cover of 'Generation Y, Spirituality and Social Change'

Generation Y, Spirituality and Social Change.

Finally, please sign up to receive Amos Trust’s E-news which will keep you updated on the rest of our work in Palestine and Nicaragua.

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Find out more about Amos’ On Her Terms campaign


Amos Trust
7 Bell Yard, London

+44 (0) 203 725 3493
[email protected]
Registered Charity No.



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