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Gaza, Gaza Strip, Palestine, NECC, Post-trauma, Psycho-social work
Amos Trust
Mark Kensett & Nick Welsh
13 Aug, 2024
Palestine, Palestine Justice, Gaza, Ahlan gaza, Amos Partners, NECC
Chris Rose
Nick Welsh
09 Jan, 2020
“In Gaza we live a tragedy, desperately trying to survive. We try to live, grow up, work and travel, but we are in a prison. But we do not give up.” Fadi — Gaza City. Amos Director Chris Rose writes about the ‘privilege’ of being able to visit our friends in Gaza and why supporting our partner NECC is as important now as it ever was.
Amos Trust
7 Bell Yard, London
+44 (0) 203 725 3493
[email protected]
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