Jerusalem’s ongoing catastrophe — Nakba 73

“Despite a signed agreement outlining the Palestinians right to live there, these residents of Sheikh Jarrah have recently received a number of eviction orders, so that their homes can be given over to Jewish Israeli citizens who claim historic ownership of the land.” Ibrahim Abul-Essad writes about Jerusalem’s ongoing catastrophe.

Jerusalem’s ongoing catastrophe — Nakba 73

Nakba Day 2021 — a joint statement

“As we write, once again military attacks have escalated. At this critical moment, it is vital that all parties adhere to their binding duties under international humanitarian and human rights law. All attacks on civilians and civilian objects must cease immediately.” A joint statement to commemorate Nakba Day 2021

Nakba Day 2021 — a joint statement

Save Sheikh Jarrah

“In Europe, if you mention the word apartheid in South Africa almost everyone expresses their disagreement with it and how much they have been against it. If you mention Black Lives Matter in the UK, almost everyone is supportive of the civil right movement. But when it comes to us Palestinians, there’s only silence.” Ahmed Masoud writes about the current situation in East Jerusalem.

Save Sheikh Jarrah


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