Tuesdays At Five

A special Words Of Hope based on the words of John Lewis, Arundhati Roy, Carlos Godoy, Desmond Tutu and Martin Luther King.

Tuesdays At Five

Tuesdays At Five

Do not get lost in a sea of despair
Be hopeful, be optimistic
Our struggle is not the struggle of a day, a week, a month or a year
It is the struggle of a lifetime
Never, ever be afraid to make some noise
and get in good trouble, necessary trouble

Another world is not only possible, she is on her way
On a quiet day I can hear her calling

We have been shown what is good
May we act justly, love mercy and walk humbly

Even in our sleep, pain which we cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God.

Invitation — Misa Campesina Nicaragüense

You are the God of the poor,
the human and simple God,
the God that sweats in the street,
the God with the weathered face.
That is why I speak to you
like my people speak to you,
because you are the labourer God,
the worker Christ.

Hand in hand you walk with my people
you struggle in the fields and the city.
You stand in line at the camp
in order to be paid your day’s wages.
You eat there in the park
with Eusebio, Pancho and Juan Jose,
and you even complain about the syrup
when there’s not enough honey in it.

I have seen you at the corner store,
parked on a bench.
I have seen you selling lottery tickets
without being ashamed of that role.
I have seen you in the gas stations
changing the tyres on a truck
and even working on the highways
with leather gloves in the sizzling sun.


We believe
That justice is how love looks in public
That hope is a song in a weary voice
That stumbling is not falling
Together we can be the change we long to see

We believe
That peace is the apology of the strong to the weak
That faith is being sure of what we hope for
That we all come from the creator
Trailing wisps of glory

We believe
That if we have eyes to see
That if we have ears to hear
That when we least expect it, hope bursts into life
Stable walls echoing to a baby’s first cry.


Standing for justice and equal rights
Standing against colonialism
Standing against apartheid
Standing against ethnic cleansing
Standing for human dignity and equality

We stand this day with those whose freedom is denied
We link arms with those who have fled war, torture and despair
We come in penance for broken promises and political fixes
We walk the long road with all those who strive for peace, justice and reconciliation
We weep with those who long to return to home
We pray in hope that one day all people (in Palestine and Israel and in so many places in your world) will live in peace, as neighbours with full equal rights

God’s Dream

Dear Child of God,
Before we can become God’s partners,
we must know what God wants for us.
“I have a dream”, God says.
“Please help me to realise it.”

It is a dream where there will be more laughter,
joy and peace, more justice and goodness and compassion and love and caring and sharing.
It is a dream of a world whose ugliness and squalor
and poverty, its war and hostility, its greed and harsh competitiveness, its alienation and disharmony are changed into their glorious counterparts.
It is a dream where there will be more laughter,
joy and peace, more justice and goodness and compassion and love and caring and sharing.

I have a dream that swords will be beaten into ploughshares, spears into pruning hooks.
My children will know they are members of one family,
the human family, God’s family.
In God’s family there are no outsiders... all belong.

{Stillness/Candle lighting}

God of the new day and the passing night
May we forgive and be forgiven
May past hurts not hold us back
And our vision be renewed

God of the now and the fleeting moment
May we recognise the hurt and loneliness around us
May our hands be those that bring healing
And the words of liberation spill from our mouths

God of our past and all that has been
May we recognise your hand guiding our story
May we rest in those who loved us
And be ready to leap from the shoulders of giants

God of our tomorrows
Born into poverty, dependant on a new mother’s love
May we learn to rely on you this day
And act as if our hope in the future is irresistible

This day may we:
Recognise you in the people we meet
Listen deeply, speak truth with love and courage
Bring forgiveness, hope and wholeness

May we be blessed with:
A lightness in our spirit
A calmness in our soul
A heart for justice
A peace that forgives
And the knowledge that all will be well

And now to the one who is able to keep us from falling, and lift us from the dark valley of despair to the bright mountain of hope, from the midnight of desperation to the daybreak of joy; be power and authority, forever and ever, and the blessing of God the creator, redeemer and life-giver, be upon you this night and for evermore.

— — — — — — —

Our thanks to:
John Lewis, Arundhati Roy, Carlos Godoy, Desmond Tutu, Martin Luther King and Aeschylus.

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