Amos Travel: Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct
Amos Trust is committed to creating and upholding a safe environment for everyone we meet on our trips.

We want to safeguard the emotional, psychological and physical well-being of the people our partners are working with who often face difficult and traumatic situations. By adhering to this Code of Conduct, you will keep yourself and everyone we work with and meet safe and ensure that they are treated with the dignity and respect they deserve.

If you have any questions about this, please contact your trip leaders and don’t hesitate to clarify anything when on the trip itself. Thank you.

Social networks
Please do not give out ANY contact details or accept invitations from children and young people on any social networking sites. Once the trip has finished, any communication to children and young people should be conducted through Amos Trust and our local partner.

Safeguarding children and young people
Do not have one-to-one contact with any children and young people you meet on the trip.

Faith and politics
Whilst Amos Trust recognises that you may be motivated by your faith or political beliefs, we respectfully ask that you do not encourage any people we meet during the trip to align with any particular faith or political party.

Promising help
Do not promise that you will help individuals, families or communities in financial or practical ways. Our partner’s local staff will make decisions on who to support and how they will support them. Making promises that do not matrialise can have a significant negative impact.

Taking photographs
We understand that you want to capture your experience with photos. However, we ask, in line with our safeguarding policy, that you do not put any photos of children and young people on social media. The trip leaders and tour guides may issue specific instructions as to whether it is appropriate to take photos at a specific location or in certain situations. Please follow these instructions at all times and always ask permission before taking somebody’s photo.

Paying for sex
Amos Trust’s safeguarding policy prohibits staff, volunteers or visitors from exchanging money, goods or services for sex when they are on an Amos Trust trip, even if it is during free time and even if the law does not prohibit such activities in the country you are visiting.

Alcohol and smoking
Always check with your trip leader or local guide if it is acceptable before drinking alcohol or smoking in a specific location, situation or environment.

Please dress appropriately and respectfully at all times. We will issue advice before your visit regarding what is appropriate for the country and the communities you will be visiting.

Raising concerns
If you have any concerns about any aspect of your experience before, during or after the trip, please speak to your Amos Trust trip leader or email Amos Trust’s Designated Safeguarding Lead.


Amos Trust
7 Bell Yard, London

+44 (0) 203 725 3493
[email protected]
Registered Charity No.



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