Stage 11: Fidenza to Castel San Pietro Terme, Italy

Starting in Fidenza, Italy: Friday 18th August at 16:00
Ending in Castel San Pietro Terme, Italy: Friday 25th August at 10:00
Duration: 7 nights
Walking: 6 days
Total distance: 155km
Average per day: 26km
Daily ascent/descent: Less than 200m
Avg. max temp: 31°

 £450/£200 deposit

Stage 11: Fidenza to Castel San Pietro Terme, Italy

Difficulty rating: Easy

For the next two weeks, we follow the Via Emilia the ancient Roman road that ran between Piacenza and Rimini on the Adriatic Coast. For this first week, we will be staying in some of the most fascinating and beautiful cities in Northern Italy.

Our first stop is the beautiful city of Parma, home to cheeses, the famous ham, infamous football side, the ancient university and numerous churches and cathedrals, palaces and the famous Baptistry.

From there we walk to the nearly as beautiful city of Reggio Emilia. From the 15th century, Jews started to settle in Regio Emmilia and there was a thriving Jewish community. The slow decline of this population was greatly hastened by the German Occupation and today only a small community exists.

We then walk to the even more beautiful City of Modena. The Cathedral of Modena, the Torre della Ghirlandina campanile and Piazza Grande are all UNESCO World Heritage Sites. However, it is just as famous for its love of cars. Italian sports car makers Ferrari, De Tomaso, Lamborghini, Pagani and Maseratiall had factories here and the Ferrari 360 Modena was named after the city.

We then go onto the largest city in the region – Bologna, which is home to numerous major cultural, economic and political institutions and has been the home of Italy’s left wing political movements. The walk continues for 1 more day to Castel San Pietro Terme.

Nearest transport hub: 

  • Day 1: 
    Fidenza train station
  • Final day: 
    Castel San Pietro Terme 
    train station

Distances per day:

  • Day 1: 27.5km
  • Day 2: 30km
  • Day 3: 27km
  • Day 4: 15km
  • Day 5: 30km
  • Day 6: 25km
  • Day 7: 0km

Please make sure that you read the Just Walk Terms and Conditions before you make your booking. This is not one of those standard T&C's documents that we usually scroll through and tick, hoping for the best. This document contains essential information about Just Walk which you will need to read.

The maximum number of people we can take for this stage is twenty. Therefore, making your booking and paying your deposit does not guarantee participation in this stage. We will contact you to confirm that your booking has been successful and to ask you to provide further essential information.


Amos Trust
7 Bell Yard, London
United Kingdom

+44 (0) 203 725 3493
[email protected]
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